Because the planet needs all the help it can get

Experts agree: climate change is real, and is a serious threat. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, but particularly in the past few decades, carbon emissions have been increasing exponentially. Those emissions will stay in the atmosphere for decades to come, and the planet's ultimate reaction to that reality is yet to be known. The effect of one person switching from a combustion to an Electric Vehicle may seem negligible, but it is one small step needed in the direction we all need to go. In short: getting an EV makes you a part of the solution.


Because you will save a ton of money

The verdict is in and there is no doubt about it: Electric Vehicles are way cheaper to operate than combustion vehicles. There are two main ways that you save: 1) the cost of electricity is about 1/3rd the cost of fuel required to power a vehicle, over the same distance travelled. If you spend $400/month on gas or diesel you can expect to pay not more than $150/month if you charge at home, your cheapest electricity (*note: if you add solar at home you can then literally be driving for free). And 2), they are cheaper to service. You can say goodbye to having to ever again having to pay for: an oil change, an oil filter, an air filter, a muffler, catalytic converter, spark plugs, or timing belt! The fact is, the sooner you switch to an EV, the sooner you start to $ave.


To cool our environments

First, think about how a combustion vehicle works. We all put a petroleum product (gas or diesel) into a little engine, and then drive around our neighbourhoods. What happens then is less understood: 80% of the energy produced when petroleum is ignited goes towards the creation of heat, while only 20% goes towards the energy required for the propulsion of the vehicle. What a waste! That engine under the hood becomes very hot. You would never put your hand on an engine that has been running even an hour after it has been turned off. So imagine the heat that is collectively created when dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of these little mobile heaters are concentrated into an urban environment. With an Electric Vehicle, you have none of that. Collectively, EVs will go a long way towards cooling our local environments, especially our cities.



When it comes to performance, Electric Vehicles are just better. They: 1) are better at hugging the road, given that the central positioning of the battery gives them a lower centre of gravity; 2) respond immediately when you step on the accelerator (none of the delay to engage that you experience with a combustion vehicle); 3) have a higher torque than a combustion vehicle; 4) have faster acceleration, in most cases, and; 5) are quieter. The experience of driving an Electric Vehicle is just, well, electric.


Air quality

At one time or another we've all been behind a vehicle that is spewing out noxious smoke. It's disgusting! But less appreciated is the insidious effect that the accumulation of all these emissions has on human health. It has been estimated that nearly 90% of people worldwide live in regions where average air pollution levels exceed acceptable ranges. Poor air quality leads to reduced lung function, increased risk of asthma complications, heart attacks, heart failure, and death. Imagine how much cleaner our air would be if we all drove an EV!
